Managing Talent Assessments in the time of Online coordination

Managing Talent Assessments in the time of Online coordination

Case study on managing employees who are not cooperating with a new process

One day , we at Pexitics received frantic calls from the HR managers of an MNC where we had begun work on the Pexitics Productivity Lab. The Pexitics Productivity Lab is a process driven initiative to enable HR to improve productivity across the employees by the following 3 :

  1. Assessments on Aptitude, Behavior, Skills and Interests to enable
    1. Learning Needs Identification
    1. HiPo identification
    1. Leadership fitment and coaching
    1. Hiring of Look-alike talent (benchmark against existing company Performers)
  2. Peer Benchmarks (built into the reports) to enable
    1. Unbiased Fitment to jobs
    1. Salary offers and compensation
    1. Post learning certifications
  3. Team / organization level analysis to drive
    1. Team composition and cohesion
    1. Learning areas – for team performance
    1. Organizational Productivity thru improved ROI

Even though they had released the assessment codes 2 weeks back, only 20% of the employees in had finished the task and 10% of the employees had dropped “I need assistance” email.

The numbers looked grim: 10 in 100 employees had an issue and 70 out of 100 had not even attempted it.

The HR Team was feeling dejected – So much for a Digital revolution. How could they force employees to be part of a process?

The standard reply when the HR people called was “I am too busy now. I will do it soon.” This was a clear condition of passive aggressive behavior. Employees seemed to agree on the surface but did not follow through on their commitments.

The Pexitics team requested that all the participants be called for a 1-hour webinar on the latest Talent Practices by HR on a Thursday afternoon. Managers were kept informed. 95 employees out of 100 logged in (including some who had already given the assessment). The Pexitics Manager explained the process and then asked if they would wan to contribute in this 1 hour to taking their organization into World Class practices? the unanimous answer was “YES. We will do it – NOW. “

The Pexitics Manager shared the 3-step process:

How to take the Online Assessment:  

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “I have a Code”
  3. Enter the code

There was a bust of energy and in the next 40 minutes, 77 participants took the test simultaneously, while the Pexitics Manager was at hand in the zoom meeting room to help them.

Win- Win : At the end of that 1 hour of group session, we had a beaming HR team and proud employees (who were happy to have contributed to making their organization a World Class one in People Practices.

The organization has now moved to the second phase of Assessments for another department and is secure in the knowledge that it takes only 1 hour to mobilize large teams of over 100+ employees – using a digital platform. The adoption of Pexitics Talent Assessments and creating a Productivity Lab for your organization is easy. You too can become an organization with World Class People practices.

Reach us for a discussion : ; +91 734966 2320 / 21 /22

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