
While Google offers vast information, career guidance from an expert offers personalized insights tailored to individual aspirations, strengths, and market trends. Experts provide nuanced advice, address specific concerns, and offer support in navigating complex career decisions, ensuring informed choices and maximizing career success.

With rapid technological advancements, uncertainty looms over the longevity of certain jobs in the next decade. According to the World Economic Forum, automation and digitalization may render many traditional roles obsolete, emphasizing the importance of upskilling and adapting to emerging industries to ensure future employability.

Career Guidance after 10th

After 10th final results are out, there is certainly one common dilemma that strikes in most of the student’s minds. Parents start searching for career guidance after 10th. “what next after 10th”? Science, arts, commerce, diploma or job oriented course? This is a very common confusion which the majority of the student faces. Every field provides extensive career possibilities but deciding on the best stream in which students are interested needs to be the main concern.

Popular Courses after 10th

Science Stream (after 10th)

The major subject matters covered within the science stream are: biology, physics; chemistry, mathematics, english, computer and biotechnology. Students need career guidance after 10th to choose the subject combination based on their career preference.

Commerce After 10th

In commerce streams the main subjects are covered accountancy, business studies, economics and English. Optional subjects are mathematics, computer and informatics practices. Career guidance test will help to choose the best career options.

Humanities & Arts Courses

The major subjects of Arts and Humanities are: Psychology, History, Geography, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Economics (with or without Math’s), Human Rights and Gender Studies. Trending promising career for Humanities and Arts students.

Media and Journalism

Courses in media and journalism have got gained popularity during the wake of increase in mass media channels. In recent times we have noticed an unprecedented increase in Indian mass communication industry. Diploma in media and journalism are offered after 10th class.

Animation and Graphics

The global animation and graphics industry is large so that as an animation specialist, you have excellent opportunity both in India and overseas. Animation and graphics being a profession is extremely lucrative, This is one of the most growing career choices in India.

Fashion and Interior Design

Fashion and interior design is creative and joyful profession. Fashion and interior design has become a very popular career choice in India. It is really a trendy career preference amongst students searching for opportunities within the creative industries.

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